Thursday, March 7, 2013

New Ride

I haven't posted much lately, because we've just been doing a bunch of boring adulthood stuff that isn't the greatest blog material. :) At the beginning of January, we made a "To Do in 2013" list that was full of boring adulthood stuff. So, we've been working our way through that and otherwise hibernating a little until it gets (and stays) warm. exciting thing we have checked off the list is a new (to me) ride! I had been on the hunt for months, which included a few false alarms and disappointments, and I had a picky long and very specific list of requirements. So a few weekends ago, I found this car (a "match") online on Sunday morning, we headed up to Roswell as soon as the dealership opened, and a couple of hours was mine! Or ours, if you want to get technical. ;)

When we were driving it away from the dealership, I said, "I can't believe I got the exact car I wanted!" Andrew did not miss a beat before saying, "I can! You wouldn't settle for anything else!" He knows me well.

I would be remiss, though, if I didn't give a shoutout to my old car. She had been with me since 2002! When I (okay, the guy at the dealership, Andrew, and I) cleaned her out (yes it took three people), it was like I was opening a time capsule. There were relics from high school, college, grad school, and adulthood. Some more embarrassing than others... Here we are together before she was driven away to become someone else's. Even though she had started costing us more in repairs than she was actually worth, this was still a sad moment.

Thanks for the memories, Prudence! If it makes you feel better, Pearl and I are very happy together.

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