From the outside, it might not look like it was full of great big exciting events or major milestones, but it was filled with a lot of time spent together enjoying our city, our families and friends, great food and each other.
Here are a few (of many) good memories we made this year...
Snowed in! Like the rest of Atlanta, we were snowed in for about three days in early January. Fortunately, we were well stocked on food and new "toys" from Christmas, and we never lost power. We made monkey bread for comfort!February
We celebrated our first married Valentine's Day with dinner at Canoe and went to a friend's wedding in Savannah. I had a photo of us from the wedding but lost it in a computer crash! March
So, if you want proof of the usefulness of this blog, just look back over January-March. I took about 5 pictures the whole three months! Luckily I snapped a few with my phone. For March, all I have is a phone pic of our first roasted chicken and a camera photo of this "L" I made for our kitchen wall. Haha!April
We celebrated our six month wedding "anniversary" with a fun day at Stone Mountain before coming home to have a nice dinner and start this little blog. :) Andrew also said goodbye to the Saturn and hello to a big boy car!May
We were on the road for most of the weekends in late April and early May, but it was all for fun! We went to Danni and Reed's wedding in Hilton Head (technically at the very end of April - but we'll let it slide!), got together with lots of family members (both sides!) for Tim's graduation from GSU, and celebrated Grandma Dort's 90th birthday.June
Despite the heat and having to work during the summer like grown-ups, we managed to have some fun in June! We celebrated Rachel's birthday and (sadly) wished Amy & Kevin farewell.
Vacation...yea! Escaping to Amelia Island for the better part of a week was definitely the highlight of July.
August is birthday month around here, so we enjoyed celebrating both of ours hither, thither and yon.September
Gooooo Dawgs! We welcomed football season during Labor Day weekend before having a pretty low-key month. We did enjoy a weekend retreat at Barnsley Gardens and some visitors, though! October
October was a big month! We celebrated our first anniversary with a great trip to the Grove Park Inn in Asheville, followed by enjoying our traditional leftover wedding cake tier. And no October is complete without a trip to the fair! We also met two little kitties in the Boro.November
We had a great Thanksgiving in Statesboro, got our new camera (finally), and otherwise had a pretty quiet month!December
We enjoyed a wonderful Christmas to end the year. First, we exchanged gifts with each other in Atlanta. Then we traveled to Statesboro for some last minute shopping, family time, a Christmas Eve oyster roast (where we also met baby Brent!), and traditional Christmas morning brunch and mimosas. We finally made our way to Peachtree City for Christmas dinner and a relaxing "day after"! Since I never blogged it, we'll allow for some extra photos. ;)
The End!
We hope you've made some good memories of your own in 2011.
Thanks for following along with our little life this year! We both wish you a happy and healthy 2012 filled with everything you love. :)
Thanks for following along with our little life this year! We both wish you a happy and healthy 2012 filled with everything you love. :)
the holding a baby pose is a good look for you...just sayin' :)