Monday, April 18, 2011

Menu Monday

Happy Monday! Time to plan dinner for the week...again...

{This was last week's roasted chicken with lemon-garlic green beans and potatoes. We enjoyed it and thought it had more flavor than we expected. We used boneless, skinless chicken breasts instead of bone-in, skin-on, and we brushed them with some Dijon mustard during baking. It helped vary the flavors a little bit since everything was tossed in the same marinade to start. Based on some reviews, we only used one lemon--half sliced and half juiced--and it added plenty of zest without being bitter. So, all in all, we gave this recipe one thumb up for taste and another up for ease of preparation/cleaning!}

Here's what we're going with this time around:
Hope you have a some good eats this week!


  1. You make me want to start (ahem...more like learn) to cook.

  2. You should! It's fun! And, I bet D would be like A and say that everything you make is delicious. ;)
