Sunday, April 3, 2011

Stone Mountain

(We're still working on getting the name and design of the blog situated, but why not go ahead and start posting? And, even better, why not start with a bunch of pictures??)

Yesterday, we decided to spend the day at Stone Mountain to celebrate our amazing accomplishment of being married for a whole six months! It was a really pretty day, even though it was still a little cool and very windy. (Sorry, no Skyride!)

Our days sometimes revolve around food opportunities, so before heading to the park, we stopped at Village Corner German Restaurant & Bakery. It's close to the park, and we actually spent our first Valentine's Day there. I think we managed to sit at the same table. :)

The reason we went the first time was that I was still obsessed with this:
Innsbruck, Austria - Study Abroad, Summer 2005
So, we I got a schnitzel fix, and we made our way to the park. We watched a glassblowing demonstration (fortunately the show piece didn't fall to its shattered death like it did last time we were at Stone Mountain), walked around some of the shops, and took the "scenic" railroad around the base of the mountain. Apparently they think they're Disney World these days. After we disembarked from the railway, we saw a sign:

So, naturally... wasn't very photogenic.
Build Your Own Funnel Cake with Strawberries & Caramel

Funnel Cake Lady on our toppings: "Okay. That's ....different."
Andrew on me taking a photo of the monstrosity: "This is going to be the most embarrassing blog debut ever."

I won't tell you how much we paid for it ($9), but we did walk it off by heading over to the Antebellum area for an afternoon rich in history and musty smells. On the way there, we passed two LauraIngallsWilder-esque people hanging up a laser-printed banner for the upcoming Frontier Days at the park. I pointed out the  authenticity of that scene, and Andrew--who, by the way, has requested to be called Marlboro Man on this blog (for all our many, many readers who also enjoy P-Dub)--told me to shut it. (Not really, but he did tell me to give them a break. Sorry, Ma & Pa Ingalls.)

We went through the old restored homes and gardens, trying unsuccessfully to snap some orb pics. Then, we made our way to the petting zoo, which was filled with the friendliest, most dog-like goats I've ever seen. One was standing on a stump and could wave on cue, and he also happened to be celebrating his second birthday. (His name was Bailey...Bailey Goat...say that with a Southern accent. Hilarious!) Hercules, the oldest one in the bunch, was 11 and took a likin' to lickin' Andrew. But, he was really only buttering A up for the moment he decided to take a chomp at his jeans. Fortunately, there was no damage.

Clockwise from Top Left: Have you ever seen a sheep's teeth?, Me with a goat (notice I am not participating in any petting), Hercules getting friendly with A, The Goat Whisperer in action
Luckily, there was also a well-equipped handwashing/sanitizing station with an automatic faucet (with the water spouting out of an old rusty pump, no less...again with the authenticity/don't be so cynical).
Once we had reduced our chance of "getting certain diseases" by washing up, we headed back to the car. Andrew had made reservations at one of our favorites (ONE midtown kitchen), and we had a great dinner! (Did you know you can eat fried fiddlehead ferns?)

Hope you had a good Saturday!


  1. How were the fiddlehead ferns? Anthony Bourdain found some in a forest in Oregon on one episode of No Reservations and cooked them so I've always wondered what they tasted like.

    Definitely want to go to that funnel cake place, too!

  2. I liked them! I thought the taste and texture was a lot like asparagus--just a little more mild. These had a light batter and came with pickled red onion, gorgonzola and Tobasco.
