Saturday, February 25, 2012

Because You Loved Me

I couldn't resist using a Celine song for the title of this post. ;) I saw this free printable making the blog rounds pre-Valentine's Day. We have used the Pinterest-inspired dry erase board more than I ever expected, and I thought this one was just a sweet idea!

It's 8x10, so you just print it, frame it, and fill in the rest of the sentence with a dry erase marker whenever you feel like it! There are several color options, so you can pick whichever goes best with your decor. (I thought about taking the file somewhere to get a little bit of a higher quality result. But it did just fine on the regular old inkjet!) You can get it here.

And speaking of love...

I have found my version of Nutella! (I'm missing the Nutella gene. I know, I know. It must be the same one that makes everyone in the world like goat cheese, too. Ick.) This is 57% Biscoff cookies, blended up with other goodies into a texture that's just like creamy peanut butter. The jar has barely lasted a week in our kitchen! It can pretty much go on anything you'd put peanut butter on.

Or just a spoon. :)

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